
Chris Watts

Member since: Thursday, 17 March 2016
Last Visit: Wednesday, 16 January 2019
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FM 2021
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Consultant Experience and Contact Form
Company Website
Company Name
Griffin Forensics Ltd
Saint James Road - Brackley NN13 7XY, UK
Headline Summary
Chris is a successful Digital Forensic Consultant with extensive experience working for the public and private sectors. His expertise and experience includes:

the investigation of terrorism offences, murders, IP theft, corporate fraud, email breaches, wide-scale inappropriate use of computers by company employees, trading standard offences and numerous criminal offences.
Consulting Experience

Chris is a successful Digital Forensic (DF) Consultant with extensive experience working for the military, public and private sectors.  His expertise and experience includes:

·         IT Security and DF training to commercial and government organizations at home and abroad.  

·         Developing IT Security and DF policies for the Royal Air Force and the private sector. 

·         Consultancy in the criminal and civil legal sectors, providing DF investigation services for prosecution and defence.

·         Presenting expert testimony in the UK courts.

In late 2006 Chris co-founded Griffin Forensics Ltd and has continued to provide consulting and investigation services to the public and private sector.

Chris has devised and presented Digital Forensic courses for law enforcement agencies at home and abroad drawing on his practical knowledge from working in the field on a day to day basis.

Since June 2012 Chris has provided Digital Forensic Investigation services as a consultant for several external commercial investigation companies.

Chris has been involved in the investigation of terrorism offences, murders, IP theft, corporate fraud, email breaches, wide-scale inappropriate use of computers by company employees, trading standard offences and numerous criminal offences.

He has been accepted as an Expert Witness in Crown and Civil Courts of Law.

Consultancy Services Offered
Services Select
Expert Witness / Litigation Support, Information and IT Security, Investigations