
Trevor Elliott

Member since: Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Last Visit: Thursday, 18 April 2024
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Consultant Experience and Contact Form
Company Website
Company Name
Centym Services Ltd
Headline Summary
Operations Director | General Manager | Security | Consultancy | Audit | Small Business Coach
Consulting Experience

With over 30 years of security experience and 20 years in senior management, I have continued to hone my skills throughout my career.

I am someone who goes above and beyond to deliver exceptional results in whatever task I undertake. Throughout my career, I have consistently exceeded client expectations and surpassed key performance indicators. But it doesn't stop there. I am passionate about fostering growth and actively seek out opportunities to push boundaries and drive innovation in the security industry.

One of my notable achievements includes leading a crucial safety initiative that has made a lasting impact.

Additionally, I have successfully delivered high-quality penetration testing services and conducted thorough security risk assessments, ensuring my clients can enhance their security stance and secure people and assets effectively.

However, my strengths extend into other areas of expertise. I take great pride in my ability to mentor and inspire others, helping them develop into strong leaders in their own right. By imparting my knowledge and experience, I have nurtured a new generation of security professionals and senior managers in other sectors, who are ready to take on any challenge.

What sets me apart is my well-rounded skill set. From ensuring the safety of lone workers to implementing robust physical security measures, I have proven time and again that I am a force to be reckoned with. Moreover, my strong financial acumen adds a strategic edge to my decision-making, allowing me to deliver results that not only meet objectives but also contribute to the bottom line.

In summary, my career is defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence and a commitment to innovation. I am not just a security professional; I am a partner you can trust to deliver exceptional results while maintaining a personal touch.

Consultancy Services Offered
Services Select
Interim Security Management, Manned Guarding Security Assessments / Evaluation, Security Audits and Reviews, Security Management Advice / Recruitment, Security Strategy & Policy, Security Operations (personnel, policies, procedures etc.), Threat and Risk Assessment