
Greg Cole

Member since: Thursday, 17 March 2016
Last Visit: Tuesday, 26 November 2024
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MA PgDip
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FM 1168
Consultant Experience and Contact Form
Company Website
Company Name
Minimal Risk Consultancy Ltd.
Hereford, UK
Headline Summary
Greg is a Director of Minimal Risk Consultancy. Greg’s experience in security ranges from Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) to Major Event Planning. Having many successful Case Studies, both operationally and as a consultant, Greg is accustomed to working at all levels.
Consulting Experience

Minimal Risk are specialists in consultancy and project management within the security sector. Minimal Risk focuses on personal service, sound analysis and implementation, together with rapid, cost-effective delivery. We support clients ranging from government and corporate bodies through to small businesses and high net worth individuals. Minimal Risk’s consultancy services include reviews and advice on the protection of organisations’ people and assets with the generation of effective business solutions through; analysis, audits, surveys and operational procedures. The company offers pre-entry studies, geo-political analysis and independent reviews of existing services and systems including design and planning.

Greg graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Politics MA focusing on African politics, post-Soviet politics, international security and war and justice.  Greg continued his studies by completing a Postgraduate Diploma in Construction Management (Project Management) at Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh.

For Minimal Risk he oversees various asset protection and consultancy tasks including projects for government, major property investors, landowners and outdoor events.  Consultancy tasks undertaken include a review of a major shopping centre and retail park portfolio, an entry risk assessment and survey for a media company in Moscow and site audits, including penetration tests, across multiple high profile properties in the City of London and South East.  Greg worked jointly on a major security review focusing on the threats posed by terrorism and extremism for a large development in the City of London working with two other Consultants.  Greg is a one of three retained consultants for a major beverage company and undertakes significant work to help ensure the supply chain and production sites are secure in line with best practice.  Greg assumes the position of Head of Security for a number of large outdoor events and prepares the relevant security and contingency plans for these.  Greg has completed the Certificate in Terrorism Studies from the University of St. Andrews and the Public Safety at Festivals and Mass Gatherings as well as the Public Safety Shopping Centres Courses at the Emergency Planning College.

Consultancy Services Offered
Services Select
Building / Site Security Planning, Corporate Security / Management Advice, Crisis Management Planning / Response, Event Security Management /Advice, Manned Guarding Security Assessments / Evaluation, Security Audits and Reviews, Security Operations (personnel, policies, procedures etc.), Threat and Risk Assessment