
Lee Doddridge

Member since: Thursday, 21 November 2019
Last Visit: Thursday, 13 March 2025
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FM 2159
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Headline Summary
Lee holds both Licentiateship and Graduateship in Counter Terrorism Security Management, licensed and accredited by the Centre for Protection of the National Infrastructure (CPNI) and National Counter Terrorism Security Office (NaCTSO). He has experience at both strategic and tactical levels and works with clients in the UK and worldwide.
Consulting Experience
  • Lee Doddridge is an experienced security consultant with 26 years experience within military and UK government departments in the fields of defense, policing, intelligence and counter terrorism.
    Relevant experience includes:

    ·       Counter Terrorism Protective Security: Former member of the National Counter Terrorism Security Office, NaCTSO and the Centre for Protection for The National Infrastructure, CPNI, responsible for the protection of Crowded Places and Hazardous Sites within the UK. National lead for National Barrier Asset (Hostile Vehicle Mitigation) Architectural Liaison (Royal Institute of British Architects), Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Projects Argus & Griffin and Business Continuity.

    ·       International Adviser: Foreign & Commonwealth Office counter terrorism support to tourism and other British Interest overseas including the 2008 review of the UAE Counter Terrorism capability and ongoing training and support. The training of all EU partners in Counter Terrorism Protective Security Management through the UK Euro Protect initiative. Technical Adviser to EU project ‘Safety and Protection of built Infrastructure to Resist Integral Threats’ (SPIRIT) within the European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for Research and Technological Development.

    ·       National Board Member: Worked at a strategic level within many national boards to ensure the protective security and counter terrorism work streams were aligned to government strategies and business preparedness and continuity. These boards included, National Barrier Asset, Policing of Party Political Conferences, London 2012 Olympic & Paralympic Venue Security Delivery Board and member of the Olympic National Protective Security Advice Cell, Cross Sector Safety and Security Communications, British Council of Shopping Centres Security Committee and Association of Event Venues.

    ·       Risk Management: Having extensive experience in assessing and evaluating security and risk and delivery of protective security within the UK governments Counter Terrorism Strategy, CONTEST. Working on extensive national projects including the protection of the Emergency Services (Police, Fire, Ambulance and Coast Guard) the water industry, pre cursor chemicals, radiological materials, maritime and aviation and events such as the G8 Summit, Ryder Cup and the London 2012 Olympics. In the private sector he was the lead security and risk consultant for TUI.

    ·       Delivering an integrated approach to National Security: Co-Author of the Tactical Firearms Response Options for Counter Terrorism, the High Activity Sealed Sources Regulations 2005 (Radiological materials), Crowded Places Protective Security Guidance. Creator and manager of the Home Office Vulnerability Self Assessment Tool (VSAT). Responsible for the training, accreditation and ongoing quality assurance of the UK Counter Terrorism Security Advisers.


    ·       Media: Combining all his experience, he is called upon by numerous international broadcasters providing content for live news programs. Broadcasters include the BBC (TV and Radio) and BBC World Service, TRT, NHK Japan and CBC News Canada and.

Consultancy Services Offered
Services Select
Building / Site Security Planning, Corporate Security / Management Advice, Event Security Management /Advice, Security Audits and Reviews, Security Strategy & Policy, Terrorism / Counter Terrorism, Threat and Risk Assessment, VIP / High Net Worth Individuals Personal Security Advice