Business Group Meeting November 2023


The ASC held its final business networking event of the year at the Honourable Artillery Company in November. The event turned out to be the best one so far, offering a perfect opportunity for all security industry professionals to gather and chat.

The event had several speakers including Gareth Westwood, Valeria Scuto from Sibylline, Adrian Kirk from 360 Vision Technology, and Conor O'Laughlin from Verkada Ltd. They shared their insights and knowledge with the audience.

Gareth and Valeria gave an insightful analysis of the current situation in Israel and Gaza and its possible implications for the UK and the world. Adrian talked about the advanced applications of pan-tilt-zoom cameras in security solutions while Conor explained hybrid cloud platforms to the audience.

The ASC Board would like to extend their gratitude to everyone who attended the event and made it such a success. It was the perfect end to the year's business group meetings.