Imbert award



The Association of Security Consultants [ASC] have written to Universities and invited submissions for the Imbert Award.

The Imbert Award is awarded annually to the best master’s degree dissertation on a security-related subject. It is fiercely competed for by students from universities across the UK. 

The Imbert Award recognises outstanding master's dissertations. The entries are evaluated by a panel of experienced judges and the Award helps to promote innovation and excellence in the security industry. The award is named after Lord Peter Imbert. Lord Imbert was a former Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police. In recognition of his outstanding service to policing and public life, he was appointed a life peer in 1999. In that same year, he became the Association of Security Consultants' first Patron, a position he held until he died in 2017.

The dissertations are reviewed by a panel of expert judges who themselves possess a wealth of knowledge and experience. A rigorous set of criteria such as originality, critical analysis and overall contribution of knowledge to the field are employed to ensure a comprehensive yet equitable assessment is made. The aim is to recognise dissertations that not only meet high academic standards but also push the boundaries of knowledge, marking a commitment to promoting innovation and excellence in the field of security.

Those who are chosen by the judging panel as having produced the most outstanding entries will be invited to an elegant and formal black-tie ceremony where the winner will be announced. In addition to this, all winners and finalists will receive complimentary membership to the ASC. This membership will provide them with a wide range of professional development and networking opportunities that will greatly aid them in their chosen careers.


Application process

Please send synopsis for consideration to

The synopsis should be based on the abstract and be no longer than 500 words.

 The very best submissions based on the synopsis will then be invited to submit their completed dissertations for consideration.


Timeline for submissions

 30/05                 Deadline for synopsis to be received

19/07                   Dissertations to be received [from those invited to submit their full dissertations].

16/08                   Judges decision to be made

29/08                   Finalists informed

10/10                   Imbert Awards Dinner